Michigan CPL Class

After working with the Sheriff’s department, I found myself getting a lot of questions related to Michigan CPLs.  Because I thought the questions were serious, I wanted to become an instructor so I could make sure my friends and family could get a quality education to keep themselves safe, both physically and legally.


After I started teaching, word quickly spread and we got busy.  We’ve maintained our high-quality standards  to deliver the best education you can get with a focus on the legal aspects of concealed carry in Michigan.


Our philosophy is to focus on what we believe the most important concepts of the class: being safe around firearms and learning about use of force and the law regarding use of deadly force.

Anyone can learn to shoot better, but you won’t learn to become an expert marksman in the course of 1 day.  We want to provide the legal and safety information that can start you off on the right foot with a solid foundation to build on.

Will Luker

After winning the firearms award in the academy, I found that I really like firearms and enjoy teaching.


I’m currently an NRA certified instructor, NRA range safety officer, US Concealed Carry Association certified instructor and one of the first 50 people in the country to be certified as a USCCA training counselor (instructor’s instructor).


I spend my time managing technology, digital marketing, IT service and empowering people to be responsible firearm owners.
