Date - 05/10/2025
9:00 am - 12:15 pm
Recoil Firearms
22509 Ecorse Rd
Taylor, Michigan 48180
Call us at (248) 662-5744
“I go above and beyond to make sure the class is the best you can take. I believe in having the best student experience, and I do what it takes to ensure you’re comfortable, safe, have fun, and learn a lot. As a training counselor, I’ve certified around 100 instructors to also teach this class. My specialty is thoroughly covering the laws regarding concealed carry in an easy-to-understand way. I’ve been a reserve deputy assigned to the Internet Crime Unit for many years, and working with law enforcement since high school. If you want a polished & professional class, loaded with extra info that you’ll actually enjoy, you’re in the right place”
Will Luker
Founder, USGunClasses
Refund Policy: We’ll move you to another class or provide a refund if you’re unable to make it. Register risk-free!
After class, you’ll receive a Michigan CPL Renewal Training Certificate
Chips, brownies, beef jerky, cookies, fruit snacks, etc! We want you to be comfortable, and so we have complimentary snacks for the whole class
In order to renew your Michigan CPL, you must certify under penalty of perjury that you’ve spent at least 3 hours reviewing your course materials AND have gone to the range in the 6 months proceeding your renewal application.
This class is the 3 hours of review, and then you can go to the range by yourself to truthfully certify your eligibility to renew.
NOTE: If your CPL has expired for more than 1 year, you must retake the whole 8 hour class again.
Our class is perfect for those with limited experience. Our specialty is working with new gun owners!
The CPL class is truly THE BEST. I can't think of a single thing to improve upon. The 8 hours flew by and I learned so much. Awesome instructors, tons of useful information and hands-on practice. I drove 2 hours round trip for the class and I would absolutely do it again. Thank you Darcy, Thank you Will!!
This is a portion of the US Concealed Carry Association Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals class, which is recognized by the State of Michigan for the CPL license. You will be attending for 3+ hours as part of the renewal class.